I've been thinking for the past 24 days. There's not much else to do actually. thinking, feeling, venting and yes spending most of my time on my big behind since i cannot use my right leg for a few more weeks. I took a nasty fall on the 1st of June 2011, on a hot hot hot Wednesday afternoon. I was poised to make a huge change, i was looking forward to many new plans, and was conjuring up mental images of what was ahead when all of a sudden i slipped off the road divider, bang into on coming traffic and crack..broke my right ankle bone to smithereens.
The poor bone could hardly withstand this big girl's fall. It broke onto 3. I asked for help but Delhi's milk of human kindness refused to flow and i was helpless and hurt and a spectacle in the middle of the dirty dusty street. People stared from across the road. I saw a many a curious eye taking in the fun of watching the fat girl fall but no one came to help a fellow human being a few kilos here or there.
I dragged myself and my swollen leg across, dodging the traffic, tried to stop the rising panic and the gnawing bone and propelled myself to an auto to somehow make it to my car. I had to request the auto driver to support me while i made it to my car and only once inside did i allow myself to cry and wallow at my ordeal.
Its strange how things unfold and how they look in hindsight. The first reaction in my moment of crisis was to call my mommy. I howled while i called her and told her that i thought i had broken my leg. I called my father too crying, needing my daddy more than i ever did before. while i waited for my father to rush to my assistance, all I could think of was calling my husband in distant Montreal, across the seas, and time zones, blissfully asleep at 5.30am. I just wanted his comfort and it did not even cross my mind that I was worrying him sick out of his mind and leaving him feeling helpless from so far away. I just wanted his reassurance..just wanted him to tell me that things will be fine and that he loved me....
Daddy came real soon, husband spent those frantic minutes reassuring me, mother and daughter at home were worried sick and my leg went numb from all the action.
I think back to what i did, how my reactions were and how the scenario unfolded now with a twist of a smile, but when i was in my moment of crisis i was so thankful to have loved ones to fall back on.
The poor bone could hardly withstand this big girl's fall. It broke onto 3. I asked for help but Delhi's milk of human kindness refused to flow and i was helpless and hurt and a spectacle in the middle of the dirty dusty street. People stared from across the road. I saw a many a curious eye taking in the fun of watching the fat girl fall but no one came to help a fellow human being a few kilos here or there.
I dragged myself and my swollen leg across, dodging the traffic, tried to stop the rising panic and the gnawing bone and propelled myself to an auto to somehow make it to my car. I had to request the auto driver to support me while i made it to my car and only once inside did i allow myself to cry and wallow at my ordeal.
Its strange how things unfold and how they look in hindsight. The first reaction in my moment of crisis was to call my mommy. I howled while i called her and told her that i thought i had broken my leg. I called my father too crying, needing my daddy more than i ever did before. while i waited for my father to rush to my assistance, all I could think of was calling my husband in distant Montreal, across the seas, and time zones, blissfully asleep at 5.30am. I just wanted his comfort and it did not even cross my mind that I was worrying him sick out of his mind and leaving him feeling helpless from so far away. I just wanted his reassurance..just wanted him to tell me that things will be fine and that he loved me....
Daddy came real soon, husband spent those frantic minutes reassuring me, mother and daughter at home were worried sick and my leg went numb from all the action.
I think back to what i did, how my reactions were and how the scenario unfolded now with a twist of a smile, but when i was in my moment of crisis i was so thankful to have loved ones to fall back on.
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