My heart is filled to bursting point. It's a special feeling and one that cannot be explained, comprehended or even contained. The light of my life, my heart and my soul, the princess of our hearts turns 5 today. My little fledgling is a Big girl now, she is 4 feet tall and has two brand new adult teeth. She has a sunny disposition, is an extrovert of the highest order and has a temper that springs forth at the drop of a hat. She has the softest hair, and the brightest eyes. Her baby arms encircle my waist as I comb her hair each day and she says she can't wait to grow up and look like mommy. Silently in my heart I wish for time to stop at that moment forever. She smells of baby lotion, shampoo and of excitement and wonder. I love to cuddle up with her in bed just to inhale the fragrance of childhood and hold it in my senses forever. I wonder if I can ever tell her how much she means to me, or how deeply I love her. My heart sings with joy when I see her after a busy say. I can move mountains to make everyday special for her. She is independent, stubborn and headstrong too. At 5 years she has a 'I can do it myself' streak that cannot be contained. She is strongly vocal and emotional. She has a brilliant artistic streak and the uncanny ability to sense when mommy needs a hug. She is all pink and girly, yet is a tomboy who loves to play rough with her nana or dig in the dirt with her grandma. She speaks French like a local and Bengali in her baby sweet voice. She has imaginary conversations with her toys that I love to eavesdrop on. Her imagination and creativity blow me away at times. She has confidence in her ability and helps others in need whenever she can. I am astounded at the changes a mere 5 years have brought. She hugged me as we cuddled for bedtime just now. She wanted to hear the story of how she was born from mummy's tummy for the hundredth time. She loves to hear it over and over again. In turn I love telling her about how much we wanted her in our lives. It's the most special time of the day and as she hugged me she said ' thank you mommy for my birthday, I love you'.....I have not stopped crying happy tears since. Thank you my darling for choosing me as your mom. Thank you for the sunshine sparkles, the teary hugs, the growing lessons and the moments of pure unadulterated fun. Thank you for the wonder and awe with which I view the world, as we both discover new things and take paths uncharted and unfamiliar. Thank you for the confidence you have in me as your mother. Thank you my darling for coming into my life and coloring it with every hue. Happy 5th birthday my darling Tia. Happy 5th to us as a family and may the sunshine and smiles increase manifold with each passing year. Love mommy
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