Wednesday, June 4, 2008

all made up

My love affair with make up began when i was about 11 years old. In a last ditch attempt for me to stop biting my nails, my mother promised to buy me a bottle of nail polish that I had set my heart on. She haggled and bargained with me and i agreed for the one bottle of nail polish. Overnight i stopped biting my nails and true to her word MA bought me that bottle of nail polish and pretty soon(after my chewed up nails had time to recover of course!) my nails gleamed with drops of molten copper shining their metallic light off my nails.
I was in LOVE! I felt so different!
Pretty soon I moved on to kajal, then to face powder and LIPSTICK!! Now, being a pre- teen i was discouraged by my parents to put on make up, but as soon as I got home from school, i would tear into my mothers things and pile on the stuff like there was no tomorrow. I tried on mascara, eyeliner, lipstick and blushers. I laid them on thick thinking that the more-the merrier. I would prance around the house and hold imaginary conversations with mirror thrilled with my brand new look. Thus started my lifelong affair with make up of every kind. With make up I would feel different. I would feel confident, I could face the big bad world and hide my vulnerability and my insecurities under the sweet smelling stuff i put on my face. With makeup I am the career woman, I feel more in control and have the ability to deal with tough situations. When in a bad mood a new shade of lipstick does wonders to my self confidence. A spray of my fave perfume uplifts my sagging spirits at the end of the day and a swish of my signature black eyeliner lifts my eye after weeks of sleepless nights.
I am a sucker for all things cosmetics. I fall for all the advertising gimmicks in the book. When a new product is launched in the market i can hear it screaming out my name till I buy it and slather it all over my face. I have tried almost all of the age-defying-wrinkle-lifting-spot-corrective-sun screened-protective creams in the market. I buy products for the sheer thrill of possessing it. I like looking at it in my cabinet and even when the product is outrageously expensive i love to hold it in my hand and dab it on my face gingerly.
I love buying quads of eyeshadow and dual ending lipliners, because you never know when you might need to blend and create the "smoky" eye effect or dramatically line the lips! Most of the time when i buy the make up, I forget that i'm the mother of a toddler and getting ready to go out means throwing whatever is clean and pressed in the cupboard.

Some of the stuff that i bought in 2002 still lie unopened in my pile of things. I cant imagine why i bought the gold face highlighter then when my face is perpetually highlighted by the patina of sweat or that blue mascara which makes me look like the Wicked Witch of the West!

At the end of the day when I get home I take great pains to remove the makeup that i carefully applied in the morning. I use special cleansing foaming face washes and moisturising eye makeup removers. Primers, toners, serum, eye cream and night cream follow. Its a wonder that i don't slide off my pillow at night! I wake up expecting to radiate youth and glowing skin but the same old face grins back at me from the mirror, lines spots and wrinkles intact. .......Hmmm Maybe i should try the new AGE MIRACLE cream next...

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